
Your children are eager to meet Shaggy in person instead of watching him on T.V. as an animated character? We’ve got you a solution! Our real character, Shaggy, is now available to attend birthday parties. So, if your child’s upcoming birthday is right around the corner, you can invite their favorite character as a surprise to their party.

As you might already know, Shaggy loves attending birthday parties wherein he performs many activities and games. The activities include Meet and Greet, storytelling about his own adventures and life, freeze dancing, face painting, and photographing. The games usually include Shaggy Race, Hide and Seek, Play Apart, Pin a Tail on the Donkey, and many more.

See? Our character is unique, fun, and creative. So, never miss the opportunity to make your little one’s dream come true. Contact us and book him.

Booking Shaggy Character

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